11510 Georgia Avenue, Suite LLA - Wheaton, MD 20902
(phone) 240-776-2959
SundaySun MondayMon TuesdayTue WednesdayWed ThursdayThu FridayFri SaturdaySat
Jan 26 (Jan 13)
31st Sunday after Pentecost. Afterfeast of Theophany. Martyrs Hermylus
and Stratonicus of Belgrade (†c.315). Tone 6.

8:45 AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy

Meal Team #5
Jan 27 (Jan 14)
6:00 PM – Moleben – St. Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia (†335)
Jan 28 (Jan 15)
Jan 29 (Jan 16)
Jan 30 (Jan 17)
St. Anthony the Great
7:00 PM – Choir rehearsal
Jan 31 (Jan 18)
1 (Jan 19)
5:00PM Vigil
2 (Jan 20)
32nd Sunday after Pentecost (Zacchaeus Sunday). Venerable Euthymius
the Great (†473). Tone 7. 
8:45 AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy

Meal Team #6
3 (Jan 21)
4 (Jan 22)
5 (Jan 23)
6 (Jan 24)
6:00 PM – Moleben – St. Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia (†335)

7:00 PM – Choir Rehearsal
7 (Jan 25)
8 (Jan 26)
5:00PM Vigil
9 (Jan 27)
33rd Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. Tone 8. 
8:45 AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy

Meal Team #7
10 (Jan 28)
Fast free
11 (Jan 29)
Fast free
12 (Jan 30)
Three Holy Hierarchs
7:00 PM – Meeting of the Parish Council 
Fast free
13 (Jan 31)
7:00 PM – Choir rehearsal
Fast free
14 (Feb 1)
6:00 PM – Vigil
Fast free
15 (Feb 2)
The Meeting of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple. Tone 8. 
8:45 AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy
5:00 PM Vigil
Fast free
16 (Feb 3)
Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord. Tone 1. 
8:45 AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy

Meal Team #8
17 (Feb 4)
18 (Feb 5)
19 (Feb 6)
20 (Feb 7)
7:00 PM – Choir rehearsal
21 (Feb 8)
6:00 PM – Matins
22 (Feb 9)
Memorial Saturday: Commemoration of the Departed
8:45 AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy
5:00PM Vigil
23 (Feb 10)
Sunday of the Dread Judgement (Meatfare)
8:45AM – Hours and Divine Liturgy

Meal Team Scouts
24 (Feb 11)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
25 (Feb 12)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
26 (Feb 13)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
27 (Feb 14)
7:00 PM – Choir rehearsal
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
28 (Feb 15)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Mar 1 (Feb 16)
3:00PM Baptism
5:00PM Vigil
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Select Month